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 Cachet maj 3.0.8

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Cachet maj 3.0.8 Empty
MessageSujet: Cachet maj 3.0.8   Cachet maj 3.0.8 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Déc - 20:32
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Elu par le flood

Nombre de messages : 1162
Age : 38
Humeur : niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer, niquer.

Cachet maj 3.0.8 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cachet maj 3.0.8   Cachet maj 3.0.8 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Jan - 17:20

Je rajouterai également pour la 3.0.8 :

Changements :

* Horn of Winter now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 20 second cooldown. (Old notes had 30 Seconds)
* Howling Blast: Cooldown removed.

Corrections de bugs :

* Blood Aura Will now always do the correct amount of healing, based on the actual damage taken of the target.
* Blood Caked Blade: Now does the proper damage amount when triggered by an off-hand weapon.
* Bloody Strikes: The tooltip for this talent now has correct values.
* Butchery: Will now always grant 20 runic power, regardless of the creature type killed.
* Chains of Ice: This ability is no longer able to land on death knights who have Anti-Magic Shell active.
* Crypt Fever: It is no longer possible to have a duration longer than the disease which caused it. Will also no longer incorrectly increase Death and Decay damage.
* Corpse Explosion: Fixed a bug where how much Runic Power the Death Knight had was affecting the damage done, and also increased the damage substantially.
* Dancing Rune Blade: The weapon no longer echoes the Raise Dead and Army of the Dead spells. In addition it will now more closely match the master?s damage and will cast Rune Strike when its master does.
* Death Chill: The effect from this talent will no longer be consumed if Killing Machine is active.
* Death Pact: This will no longer cause guards to attack the Death Knight.
* Desecration: will no longer break stealth.
* Ebon Plague: It is no longer possible to have a duration longer than the disease which caused it. It will no longer stack with Crypt Fever used by another character.
* Frost Fever: This talent now works properly when spell reflected.
* Gnaw: This ghoul ability is now able to be set on autocast.
* Icy Clutch: This will now be applied properly in all cases to targets that gain Frost Fever via the Pestilence ability.
* Mark of Blood now works correctly with periodic damage.
* Pestilence: The diseases will now spread correctly even when the damage from Pestilence kills the primary target.
* Raise Dead no longer puts you in combat when you cast this spell.
* Tundra Stalker (Rank 1) will now work properly on Death and Decay.
* Unholy Blight: Will no longer cause spell pushback.
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Cachet maj 3.0.8
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