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 Techniques premiers boss ZA

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MessageSujet: Techniques premiers boss ZA   Techniques premiers boss ZA Icon_minitimeDim 21 Oct - 12:41

Voila le lien que m'a passé gentiement Kedehem de son pseudo Kdm sur serveur test.

Seeing how very, very few were able to copy over to the PTR in order to test ZA, I figured that this would be a good place to look for compotent people to test this content and provide the rest of the community with feedback and information regarding it. If you are interested, please hop on the US (PVP) PTR and send Zxtreme (horde) a tell for a ginvite.

I will try and do my best to update this thread with insight on the bosses, boss mechanics, "strats", loot, and other notable ZA related things. Seeing how this is one of the first PTR's with a raid instance that we can thoroughly test due to the raid community having alot of free time, I feel its very important for us to throw blizzard a bone and help them get this instance right before it hits live. Since almost all mechanics and theorycraft about blizzard design happens here on EJ I thought we could use this thread as a hub for the improvement of ZA from a design standpoint.

EDIT - I understand that some alliance want to participate in this so If someone could take over on the alliance side of things that would be a big help.

EDIT2 - Please keep the Looking for XXXXXXX i have a XXXXXXX out of this thread, it does not help.

(Credit to Dynasty, Hephaustus, and Renew On Page 2 - Thank you!)

A compliation of ZA Tactics that we find work, also some details on each of the bosses abilities. This is an in-complete guide, check the end of the guide for what we're missing.

Nalorakk - Bear Avatar, 1st boss:

A 2 Phase fight:

First phase - Human form:

He does a random charge.
Mangle - Increases damage done by bleeds by 100%.

Second phase - Bear form:

Applies 2 different bleed effects.
Raid wide Silence - 4-5 seconds long, does approx 1k damage.

Phase 1 is simply tank and spank. Make sure to heal the random person charged.

Phase 2 have the 2nd tank taunt the boss and be careful of the cleave so make sure the raid is not next to where the 2nd tank is bringing the boss.

When he goes back to human form, have the first tank taunt it, repeat until he is dead.

After this boss you can take your pick at targetting any of the 3 next Avatars first but in terms of difficulty they are listed below.

For the time quest the kill order would logically be: Bear, Eagle, Dragonhawk, Lynx, Malacrass and finally Zul'Jin.

Akil'zon - Eagle Avatar, 2nd boss:

Roughly every 60 seconds he will cast the his Storm on a random person with an emote. This player is raised up in the air and a cloud appears above them, simply everyone find this person and run under him and you will take no damage. The boss channels this spell so feel free to keep attacking at ranged unless you are lucky enough to have him target a melee next to him, just be carteful not to over-aggro the MT.

This is a basic tank and spank fight with a small twist. Also during the storm have ranged/casters target the eagles in the air and dot/attack them to give you more time on dpsing the boss, the melee just concentrate on the boss himself. A very easy fight, might take a wipe or 2 to understand what is going on.

Halazzi - Lynx Avatar, 3rd boss:

This boss has a tiny amount of hp, roughly 600k. This is a 2 phase encounter that rotates (similar to Nightbane) every 25%.

Phase 1 -

He hits quite hard and also does a Mother Shahraz type of ability like Saber Lash that if it hits more than 1 person the damage received by each person is much less than if it were to hit only 1. Once you get him to 75 % he will go into phase 2.

Phase 2 -

During this phase he will transform back into his Shaman form and spawn a Spirit of the Lynx that has approx 200k hp. Also during this phase he will drop a nasty totem known as: Corrupted Lightning Totem that does chain lightning for approx 5k, maybe some nat res is not a bad idea, but not a necessity. The last ability of this phase is a Flame Shock that he will do randomly to 1 target.

Basically tank and spank in phase 1. When phase 2 occurs, 1 tank stays on the Shaman and the other tank takes the Spirit. You need to dps down the Spirit as fast as possible so you will not stay in phase 2, too long because of the nasty totems.

Kill the totems when they spawn (similar to Tidvalas during the Fathom Lord Karathress encounter in SSC), cleanse people if needed. Rinse and repeat till dead.

Jan'alai - Dragonhawk Avatar, 4th boss:

Jan'alai has 2 major abilities, and at 35%ish hatches his remaining eggs(explained later)
- He has a 5 minute enrage that is rather unimportant, as it barely increases his damage.

1 - A "Flame breath" type cone that has a long range but a small width, this does about 4-5k to people in a single line and adds up fast (believe to be random target). It is important to minimize its damage by spreading out appropriatly.

2 - He will periodically teleport the entire raid to him, put up "flame walls" on the outer ring of his area so you cannot escape. He will then begin spawning "time bombs" randomly throughout his area. After approximatly 10 seconds they will blow up dealing 3-5k(?) dmg in a 5 yard area, so you need to find a spot that is safe and does not have fire bombs on it. This ability seems to be on a random timer as sometimes he will forget about it and other times he will spam it.

Throughout the fight he calls 2 "Hatchers"(Low HP) which run to the side and begin hatching eggs into dragonhawks at an increasing rate. You need to Kill 1 Hatcher as soon as possible and go give the 2nd one a hug, tanking and killing the dragonhawks he spawns (we would normally do about 5-7 hawks at a time and just draw out the fight).
When you are comfortable with the amount of hawks spawned, kil the hatcher and mop up the remaining hawks. This is the hardest part of the fight as you will have to heal alot of raid damage due to the small area of the egg platforms and the damage his fire breath does, you should assign at least one healer to go with the group that willl kill eggs, preferably one that is good at raid healing (CoH priest, resto shaman etc). The other difficult part of this fight is his ability to port and put up fire walls to the egg spawns while the hatchers are busy hatching eggs, causing you to get zerged so be careful!

The dragonhawks individually have a stacking flame buffet, and a fire damage based proc on top of their normal melee which is about 1k~ on leather.

The tactics to this boss are really, really simple
1) Minimize his fire breath damage when he isnt spawning hatchers
2) When hatchers spawn kill one, send the group to kill dragonhawks spawned by the other one.
3) Dont die to the fire bomb minigame.
4) Make sure you hatch almost ALL of the eggs before 35% (yes this means light dps for the entire fight), or you will be horribly zerged.
5) Profit

Hex Lord Malacrass, 5th Boss: (in-complete info)

He starts with 4 random adds. Possible known adds:

Ogre - Melee add, Sheep him.
Imp - Fireball Spam, possible banish or kill quickly.
Dragonkin - Flamebreath & Thunderclap, sleep him/kill quickly, if you get this add, preferrably killing is a good option.
Undead - melee and instant casts, shackle him.
Blood Elf - Heals. Interupt heals/Kill quickly.
Serpent - Posion bolts. Sleep it / kill quickly, like the Dragonkin, killing it is preferred due to your druid does not have to shapeshift.

People seem to kill 1 or 2 of the adds before focusing on the boss.


Does a nasty dot that lasts for approx 15 sec and deals roughly 300-400dmg per tick.

During the fight randomly he will Soul Drain 1 random person, he will take on 2-3 abilites of that persons class. He will continue to use these new abilities till he Soul Drains another victim and repeats a new cycle of attacks.

Every minute or so he will drain everyone of their power by 1% and giving it to himself, thus increasing his size and his damage by 10%.

Tank and spank and deal with the new abilities he may gain.

Possible Soul Drains:

Druid- Thorns & Lifebloom (big heal!!!)
Hunter- Traps
Mage- Frost Nova & Firebolt/Frostbolt
Paladin- Consecrate & Holy Light
Priest- Heal & Mind Control.
Rogue- SnD & Blind.
Shaman- Fire Nova Totem & Healing Wave
Warlock- ? ?
Warrior- Whirlwind & Spell reflect.

Zul'jin - The Final Boss:

This is already mentioned by Hephaustus and Renew, credits to both, it is bang on and solid so no need to write our own.

Every phase change he does do a threat wipe, when he turns into an Eagle you do not need to worry about a threat list though as explained below. He changes phases every 20%.

Phase 1:
Watch out for his whirlwind (melee range). He also casts a debuff similar to the one in Slave Pens that does a dd and then ticks until the player is topped off. Seems like it was only around 2500-3000 damage, so if you are good at assist healing you can downrank accordingly to top them off just enough so they do not take any ticks.

Phase 2:
As soon as he starts this phase you will notice everyone gets a Paralysis debuff. Dispell it off the main tank and yourself, then other healers if time (or the tank doesn't need a heal). DPS etc do not need it dispelled. After 5 seconds of having the debuff, you will become stunned and take a little damage, assign someone to top people off before the next. He can hit decently hard, so keep the tank topped.

Phase 3:
Stay away from the tornados that spawn and move around the room. They knock you back and deal around 1k damage. If you are a caster (yes healers included) everytime you cast you will get hit for about 1250 damage. The key thing to do in this phase is not get cornered by tornados and stay alive. Heal over time spells really make this phase much easier. Melee need to try and burn him down as quick as they can as they get no punishment for doing damage.

Phase 4:
Lynx form he melees fairly weak all around. He also will fixate upon a random player in the raid and melee them. Intervene near the end of the 10 second or so phase to help out squishy people. Also does a weak version of the whirlwind Leotheras / end boss of Shattered Halls. I think it also places a debuff on people that will make them take more damage, it's either this or the fixate. Watch debuffs and note that that person will need extra heals.

Phase 5:
As stated above, you will get a buffet like debuff put on you every so often. He will choose random people throughout the raid and place a beam of fire on them. If they are not topped they will probably die due to the debuff. It's a simple phase if people are good at staying out of void zones.

Any additional comments / suggestions or helping me compile a decent Dragonhawk tactic or the full list of CCable ways / drain soul of classes on Malacrass would be appreciated.

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Si j'ai le temps je traduirais pour les non anglophones Smile. voila Smile
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Techniques premiers boss ZA Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Techniques premiers boss ZA   Techniques premiers boss ZA Icon_minitimeDim 21 Oct - 14:46

Miouais ....
Perso pas le courage de regarder ca en anglais.

Enfin j'imagine que c pour vos try sur le PTR alors bonne chance Smile
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