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 WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!!

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MessageSujet: WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!!   WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!! Icon_minitimeVen 22 Aoû - 16:09

Oyo les copains !

Je vous poste ici les refontes des talents (toutes nouvelles) qui vont rendre notre classe IMBA !!!


  • Thunderclap cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.


  • Shield Wall damage reduction increased from 50% to 60%.
  • Shield Block now Increases your chance to block and block value by 100% for 5 sec. Cooldown changed from 30 seconds to 1 minute.


  • Bladestorm now lasts 6 seconds instead of 4.5 seconds.
  • Strength
    of Arms moved from tier 10 to tier 8. Changed to a 2 point talent and
    now increases your total strength and total health by 2/4% (was
  • New talent - Wrecking Crew (Tier 10) - Your melee
    critical hits have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to Enrage you, increasing
    all damage caused by 3% for 12 sec.
  • Blood Frenzy now makes your
    Rend and Deep Wounds abilities also increase all physical damage caused
    to that target by 1/2%. (was 2/4/%)
  • New talent - Bull rush
    (Tier 9) - Increases the duration of the Stun effect of your Charge and
    Intercept abilities by 0.4/0.7/1 seconds.
  • Improved Mortal
    Strike now increases the damage caused by your Mortal Strike ability by
    2/4/6/8/10% and gives your Enraged Assault ability a 6/12/18/24/30%
    chance to refresh the cooldown of Mortal Strike.
  • Trauma has been moved from tier 8 to tier 9.
  • Unrelenting assault now reduces the cooldown of your Overpower and Revenge by 2/4 seconds. (was 1/2 seconds)
  • Mace specialization changed, it now gives your melee attacks a chance to generate 10 rage when using a Mace.
  • Improved charge now increases the amount of rage generated by your charge ability by 5/10 (was 3/6).
  • Bloodletting has been renamed to Improved Rend once again, and doesn't affect Bloodbath anymore.
  • Improved Slam (Tier 7) has been moved to the Arms tree.
  • New
    talent - Taste for Blood (Tier 4) - Whenever your Rend ability causes
    damage, you have a 10/20/30% chance of allowing the use of your
    Overpower ability for 5 secs.
  • New talent - Justified Killing (Tier 4) - You gain 6 rage every time you parry an attack.


  • Heroic Leap moved from Tier 11 to Tier 9.
  • Titan's
    Grip moved from Tier 10 to Tier 11. It is now 1 rank and Allows you to
    equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand. No speed penalty
  • Furious Resolve (Tier 9) removed.
  • New Talent -
    Furious Attacks (Tier 8 ) - Your normal melee attacks have a 50/100%
    chance to reduce all healing done to the target by 25% for 8 sec. This
    can stack up to 2 times.
  • Rampage (Tier 9) completely changed:
    Your melee critical hits cause you to go on a rampage, increasing melee
    critical hit chance of all party and raid members within 20 yds by 5%.
    Lasts 10 sec.
  • Intensify Rage moved to Tier 5 and completely
    changed: Reduces the cooldown of your Bloodrage, Berserker Rage,
    Recklessness and Deathwish abilities by 11/22/33%.
  • Improved Slam (Tier 5) Moved to arms.
  • Death Wish is (Tier 5) now flagged as an Enrage.
  • Enrage
    (Tier 4) now gives you 3/6/9/12/15% increased damage after being the
    victim of a critical strike. It now works on all attacks for 12 sec.
    (Previously 5/10/15/20/25% and lasted for 12 swings)
  • New talent
    - Unending Fury (Tier 10) - Reduces the rage cost of your Cleave,
    Whirlwind and Bloodthirst abilities by 1 and gives your Enraged Assault
    ability a 6/12/18/24/30% chance to refresh the cooldown of Bloodthirst.


  • Stalwart Protector (Tier 8 ) has been removed.
  • Shield Mastery (Tier 6) Changed to increase block value by 10/20/30%.
  • Improved Sunder Armor (Tier 4) renamed to Puncture.
  • Improved Shield Block (Tier 3) Reduces the cooldown of Shield Block by 10/20 sec. (Previously 5/10 sec)

Talents :

Source :

Le patch note traduit pas Odars :

IMBA je vous dit !!!
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Maître du flood

Nombre de messages : 964
Age : 33
Humeur : Emmerde Michel le Gentil

WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!!   WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!! Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct - 10:15

Vous IMBA ? Et moi dans tout ça? =D
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WotLK : Guerrier > ALL !!!!
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